MISTI-Con is dedicated to a welcoming, harassment-free experience for all regardless of age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body type, race, color, religion, political affiliation, veteran status, house affiliation, or even your favorite ship or wizard rock band.

We expect all of our staff, volunteers, attendees, invited guests, and anyone else participating in the convention to maximize comfort, safety, inclusivity, cooperation, and a welcoming environment for everyone present. Harming or threatening other attendees or staff is strictly prohibited. We do not tolerate harassment in any form, including offensive verbal comments or unwanted physical touching. When warranted, the authorities will be contacted. Anyone who behaves inappropriately may be sanctioned or expelled from the convention without a refund, at the sole discretion of the convention organizers.

What if someone’s behavior has disturbed me?

If someone's behavior makes you feel uncomfortable, unwelcome, or unsafe, it is our priority to take care of you.

If you feel okay doing so, ask that person to stop the troubling behavior. Remember to challenge the behavior, not the person. If you’d like and you are able to, you can explain why the behavior was problematic.

If you don't feel comfortable speaking directly to the person bothering you, speak to an organizer so they can talk to the other person. If you'd rather not give details about your concerns, that will be respected. It may limit how much we can address the problem, but we will lean in favor of the endangered party when facts are scarce. If you can express your full concerns, even anonymously, that will help us address the behavior and do our best to maximize your safety.

If you feel you have been threatened, or you feel endangered as part of your participation with MISTI-Con, and legal authorities are involved, we ask that you please email us at info@misti-con.com and provide us with a copy of the report.

What if my behavior has disturbed someone?

We all misstep sometimes. As long as you are willing to listen and try to understand how your actions were harmful, you regret the harm you’ve caused, and you will endeavor not to make similar mistakes, we'll most likely be able to move forward together, with very little delay or drama.

After an earnest conversation, anyone who is asked to alter their behavior is expected to comply immediately. You will be asked to apologize and change behavior, or perhaps to leave. We will use our best judgment, but please understand these situations rarely involve sufficient evidence; where there is ambiguity, we will lean in favor of the injured party.

What about micro-aggressions against marginalized communities?

All of us may potentially commit micro-aggressions that we may not consciously intend, but still cause harm. Learning how to stop harming marginalized communities and repair the damage is necessary work. We will do our best to be mindful, listen, and learn from one another.


There may be a lot of hugging and similar pleasantries. Consent is vital. Always ask for consent before touching someone. Respect their wishes when they do not give consent, withdraw it, or apply conditions to it.

If someone violates your consent a little, let them know. If they violate your consent more than once, or more than a little, let the organizers know. If you don't want us to take any action, we will respect your wishes - but as organizers, we need to be aware of each instance that may indicate a pattern of inappropriate behavior.

Online Interactions

Any content on any of our social media platforms that violates this policy will be removed. We have the exclusive right to determine what content is on our sites, and will respond accordingly, at our sole discretion. We are not responsible for content outside of our platforms. However, we encourage each person to monitor their own platforms, and report any content you feel is inappropriate to the appropriate organizations.

Community Guidelines

All of this can be a lot to take in. For more on the subject, check out our Community Guidelines.

We will revise this policy as necessary in an effort to maximize comfort and safety for all.