Clay Dockery

Clay Dockery (they/them) is an actor, author, and impresario extraordinaire. They are a television writer and cultural commentator for www.21yearslatersite.com and the co-editor of Why I Geek: An Anthology of Fandom Origin Stories.

They have been a Co-Head Organizer and Creative Director of all the previous MISTI-Cons as well as a Head Organizer of Coal Hill and The West Wing Weekend fandom conventions. They live in New York City with their girlfriend and their two chonky cats.


April Green (she/her) has been a fan of Harry Potter since she watched Goblet of Fire (yes, that was the first Harry Potter movie she saw). She instantly fell in love and read all the book immediately.

She attended her first convention in 2015 where she realized she had found her Wizarding family and has attended every MISTI-Con since. April is thrilled to help bring the reunion together and can’t wait to reunite with all her fellow witches and wizards.

Trissa HalL

Trissa Hall (she/her) has been part of the HP fandom since 2005. She joined the MISTI-Con team in 2015 and worked on programming. At the end of MISTI-Con 2013, she was invited to become a Co-Head Organizer. She was the Programming Director in 2015, 2017, and 2019.

She is a Slytherin with some Gryffindor qualities, a geek at heart, and she found a home in the fandom. She loves to cosplay Narcissa Black Malfoy and truly admires the amazing cosplayers she sees at the conventions. She is looking forward to working with the MISTI team and returning to the Margate to see everyone!


Lorrie Kim (she/her) is the author of SNAPE: The Definitive Analysis of Hogwarts’s Mysterious Potions Master (Media Lab Books, 2022). She is a columnist for MuggleNet, a frequent speaker at Harry Potter academic conferences, and a regular contributor to fandom podcasts.

She lives in Philadelphia, PA with her clever, grumpy, magical spouse, and their offspring, one born between Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince and one in gestation during the publication of Deathly Hallows.

Stacy Pisani

AKA Eustacy Santiago

Stace (they/them) has been a MISTI-Con attendee and participant since 2013. As DJ Swish, they brought revelers to the dance floor at every ball and themed dance party. As Fanfiction Coordinator in 2017 and 2019, Stace curated online collections of transformative fan works and hosted live readings. They’ve been involved with wizard rock shows at the con, both on-stage as Swish and Flick, and backstage. They also cosplay and particularly enjoy embodying baddies.

As an aspiring author, Eustacy endeavors to create stories in which historically marginalized people can see themselves. Along those same lines, Stace hopes that MISTI-Con can be a safe space in which BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ people feel seen.

Lynn Roy

Lynn Roy (he/him) has been involved with multiple fandoms starting out with Star Trek. He attended his first Star Con when he was about 14 thanks to one of his Dad’s fellow teachers who was also a Star Trek fanatic. Thank you Mrs. Bowman! He sucked into HP in the late 90’s/early 2000’s but didn’t make it to a convention until 2012.

He decided to “go big or go home” and jumped straight into cosplay in addition to volunteering for ALL THE THINGS. Since then, Lynn attended and volunteered at every MISTI-Con and, after the 2017 con, was asked to join the Head Organizing Team. He is looking forward to an wonderful reunion with his MISTI-Con Family!


Alan Tobias (he/him) has been active in the Harry Potter fandom since 2000, when he went looking for fanfiction to fill the gap between Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix, and has never looked back! He participated in MISTI-Con in 2013, 2015, and 2017 as an enthusiastic attendee, and joined the organizing team as the VIP Coordinator in 2019. He is thrilled to be able to help make this reunion a reality, and can’t wait to dust off his robes (assuming no boggarts have taken up residence in his closet during the pandemic!), polish his wand (literally, not metaphorically, thank you very much!), and wrock and roll at the Margate in 2023!