The MISTI-Con 2023 Fanfiction Collection on Archive of Our Own (AO3) is now accepting submissions! New works, previously posted works, works-in-progress, multi-fandom fic, and crossover fanfic is welcome! MISTI-CON registration is not required for inclusion in the collection.

Please read the instruction document HERE to learn how to submit your fanfiction to the collection. (or scroll down)

Visit the MISTI-Con 2023 Fanfiction Collection HERE.

Please fill out a submission form for each work you would like considered for the collection.

Works submitted after April 23 may still be included in the collection, but will not be considered for live presentation at MISTI-Con.

How to Submit Works to the MISTI-Con 2023 Fanfiction Collection 

1. Apply for an AO3 account if you do not already have one. Please note that AO3 membership is by invitation only. If you do not have an AO3 account, you can apply for an invitation using this link: It may take 1 to 5 days to get an invitation, depending on request volume, but don’t get discouraged - it’s quite easy.

2. Once you have established an AO3 account, or if you have one already, join the collection. If you joined the collection in 2017 or 2019, you still need to join the 2023 collection, as they are completely separate. Joining the collection enables the participant to eventually submit stories. Submission of a story does not have to take place at the time of joining the collection. There is also no obligation to submit a story just because you join the collection – readers are welcome to follow as well.

3. Once a moderator has approved you, you are eligible to submit a story.

a. If the story has not been published yet on AO3, begin by clicking “post to collection” and fill in all the fields.

b. If the story had already been published prior, go into your story’s “Edit Work” page, then under “Associations” type “MISTI_CON2023” next to “Post to Collections/Challenges”.

c. A moderator must approve your story before it is posted to the collection.

d. Prior to the collection going live, your accepted stories will be listed as “Mystery Work” and can not be accessed by visitors to the collection page, but will remain visible and accessible to you on your AO3 account.

4. Instructions for tagging AO3 works:

a. AO3 allows authors to specify content Ratings, Archive Warnings, and Tags. AO3 rating system denotes if works are appropriate for General Audiences, Teen and Up audiences, or Mature audiences, or if the work is Explicit. Works of all ratings may be submitted to the collection but must be clearly rated. Any stories with a rating of “Not Rated” will not be accepted.

b. AO3 Archive Warnings include Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-con, and Underage. Works that are flagged with archive warnings may be submitted to the collection but said archive warnings must be clearly stated. Any stories with an archive warning of “Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings” will not be accepted.

c. When listing additional tags, please include “MISTI-Con”, any specific warnings not covered by the general list of archive warnings, and any material that sensitive readers need to be aware of.

5. For EACH fic that you submit, PLEASE FILL OUT THIS ENTRY FORM so that we can match your AO3 persona to your MISTI-self. This will also help us track participation. You can access the form here:

TOO COMPLICATED? No worries! Email the Fanfic Coordinator at and they'll walk you through it. Or, if you don't mind your work being anonymous forever, the Fanfic Coordinator can post the story for you, but it will not be associated with your AO3 account (if you have one).

Don’t have anything ready to share? WE ACCEPT WORKS IN PROGRESS! Previously published work is also welcome!

During the convention, we’ll have live fanfic readings (times and locations TBD) of works pre-selected by the Fanfic Coordinator. All ages will be welcome to participate in the General Fanfic Live Reading (programming at MISTI-Con is usually PG-13). There will also be an Adults-Only Fanfic Live Reading where participants age 18+ can indulge in mature works! Submissions received after April 23 will not be considered for live presentation, but will be included in the collection.

Please note: We are happy to accept Mature/Explicit works for the AO3 collection. For MISTI-Con participants under 18-years-old, it is up to parents' discretion to enable filters and to monitor their child's activity on AO3, including the MISTI-Con collections on AO3. All Mature/Explicit works must be labeled as such.