+ What is MISTI-Con's position on JKR and the current state of the fandom?

MISTI-Con categorically stands behind our trans and non-binary wizarding folk, and will not undertake any activities or hold programs that personally support JKR or her discriminatory and hurtful views. We hope that you will stand with MISTI-Con in support of transgender, intersex, and gender nonconforming folx and we invite you to join our campaign to raise funds for Transgender Law Center. In honor of 10 years of MISTI-Con, we are asking each attendee to consider contributing $10, but feel free to give more or less - any amount helps! All proceeds from our fundraising campaign will go DIRECTLY to Transgender Law Center.

+ Do I need to have attended previous MISTI-Cons to be able to attend the Reunion?

Emphatic no! First-time attendees are welcome and strongly encouraged to attend - we would love to welcome you into the MISTI-Con community! "Reunion" is just the theme for the weekend - if this is your first MISTI-Con, you can think of it as your chance to "reunite" with the wizarding fandom, whatever that means to you. If you're feeling nervous or have any questions that aren't answered on this site, just send us a note at, and we'd be happy to do whatever we can to help you feel at home!

+ I skipped all the other pages on this website. What is MISTI-Con?

MISTI-Con is an immersive fandom event focused on the Wizarding World. In 2023, we will be returning to our original location - the Margate Resort in Laconia, New Hampshire. Designed to fill the need for smaller, more intimate events, MISTI-Con will be limited to 350 attendees. MISTI-Con: The 10 Year Reunion is the fifth iteration of MISTI-Con, and will take place from Friday, May 19th through Monday, May 22nd, 2023. For more information, please see Our Convention page.

+ If I want to attend MISTI-Con, do I have to stay at the Margate?

Yes. We have reserved the entire hotel, and all MISTI-Con attendees will be required to stay at the Margate to help us provide an immersive experience and prevent any Muggles from infiltrating the hotel. We will not be arranging an overflow hotel. There is a maximum of four people to a room. Yes, they’re strict about it. Yes, everyone needs to follow the rules.

+ How do I book a room at the Margate?

So glad you asked - we're changing things up this year! Room reservations WILL NOT OPEN until January 2nd, 2023. Before you book or join a room, you will be required to provide proof of COVID vaccination AND an individual booking code, which will be emailed to you by the MISTI-Con Housing Coordinator. Please DO NOT contact the Margate directly to reserve a room until AFTER receiving your code from our team.

The first thing to do is complete your MISTI-Con registration form. After we recieve your registration, our Housing Coordinator will reach out to collect the proof of vaccination required by our COVID policy.

Once you provide proof of vaccination, our Housing Coordinator will send you a personal booking code, instructions for either reserving a room at the Margate or joining an existing reservation as a roommate, and the room deposit and hotel refund/cancellation policy.

Booking codes will be sent out in the order registrations are received, so the earlier you register for the convention, the better! You will be responsible for contacting the Margate to make or join a reservation once booking codes are sent out. Reservations will be first come, first serve.

This process is significantly more manual than in previous years, but we hope the extra administrative effort will allow us to maximize the number of MISTI-Con attendees able to attend the Reunion and stay on-site at the Margate. Thank you for your patience and cooperation!

+ Who can attend MISTI-Con?

Everyone is welcome to attend MISTI-Con, regardless of age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body type, race, color, religion, political affiliation, veteran status, house affiliation, or even your favorite ship or wizard rock band, as long as you respect your fellow attendees and follow the rules and policies of the convention.

  • Anyone 18 years of age or older must purchase a regular registration to attend the con.
  • Teenagers between the ages of 13-17 must purchase a "Student Pass" registration, and may attend any programming activities not specified as 18+. They do not need to be chaperoned during the day, but must be accompanied by their adult any time after 11pm.
  • Children between the ages of 7-12 must purchase a "Guided Pass" registration, and be chaperoned by their parent or legal guardian in all common areas and at all convention programming at all times.
  • Children under 7 do not need a registration, but should always be chaperoned by a parent or guardian. They may be present at the event and are welcome in most convention areas as long as they are not disruptive to programming or other attendees. No childcare will be provided.
  • Some programs and special events will be restricted by age as appropriate and any posted restrictions regarding those programs and events must be followed.

+ What makes MISTI-Con different from other cons?

MISTI-Con is intentionally designed as a more intimate fan convention. Registration will be limited to 350 people to ensure that each fan feels like an especially integral part of the convention. MISTI-Con is also dedicated to sharing the art and creativity of the fandom in great depth, allowing artists and their fans an exceptional level of access to each other and their created works.

In the past, MISTI-Con has also been a highly decorated environment. However, due to the reduced size and scope of our 10 Year Reunion, in 2023 we will be more focused on utilizing the innate beauty of the Margate to set the scene.

+ Do I have to wear a costume at MISTI-Con or to attend the ball?

Not at all! While many people who attend MISTI are avid cosplayers, attendees are free to wear any type of attire, from street clothes to full wizard garb. We do require that all clothing, including costumes, be PG-13 appropriate. MISTI-Con reserves the right to deem a costume as unacceptable and to request the wearer make modifications as necessary, change out of the costume entirely into more appropriate clothing, or require you to leave the convention. Other than that, there are no limits or requirements other than international wizarding law (meaning, the actual laws of the United States and the state of New Hampshire) and your own creativity!

If you are concerned about whether your costume meets the convention standards, please email For more information about our dress code, please see our Other Policies page.

+ Are any events open to the public (without a registration)?

No. All programs and events at MISTI-Con are limited to those registered for the convention.

+ Can I bring my pet?

No. There are no pets or animal familiars allowed, unfortunately. If you have a service animal, please contact the Margate directly to see if they are able to accommodate your assistant.

+ What is MISTI-Con’s policy on harassment?

Harassment will not be tolerated under any circumstances. MISTI-Con has an extensive Code of Conduct based on our past events and our volunteers’ and attendees’ expectations for MISTI-Con. Every con attendee, staff member, performer, and special guest must agree to follow this policy. Violations should be reported to MISTI-Con senior staff immediately so the process of correcting the issue may begin.

+ This is my first ever conference! Do you have any tips?

Yes! The convention organizers’ biggest tip is the 5-2-1 rule: in every 24-hour period, you should get 5 hours of sleep, eat 2 substantial meals, and take 1 shower. It’s easy to get excited and overwhelmed and forget these basic requirements for life. We also recommend reading our Community Guidelines.

+ I’ve read the entire FAQ and I still have questions. What should I do?

Feel free to contact us at!