Photography Policy

The event organizers and other participants may take photographs during the event. By registering for this event you give consent for the organizers and sponsors to publish these photos in printed materials or on the internet without additional notice or compensation. Individuals will not be identified/named in any photo unless prior written consent has been obtained from those individuals. MISTI-Con, Inc. maintains absolute ownership of any photographs taken on behalf of MISTI-Con, and photos will be posted at our sole discretion.

While there is no expectation of privacy at this event, if someone is the featured subject matter of your photograph, MISTI-Con encourages attendees to ask permission prior to taking the photograph. If the subject does not wish to have their photo taken, then do not take it. If you do not wish to be photographed, please be proactive about communicating your preference. Harassing photography or videography, in any form, will not be tolerated.

Unless otherwise noted, photo taking is allowed during programming and special events, but only from your seat. It is not permitted to approach the front of the stage/room and block the view of others. MISTI-Con requests that attendees be conscious of their neighbors while attempting to photograph or record during events. When stopping to take photographs in the hallways, or other traffic flow areas, please be considerate of your fellow attendees by being brief and not blocking traffic.

In purchasing this registration and/or in consideration for being admitted to MISTI-Con, each attendee consents to being recorded (by audio, visual and/or other means) for the usage described above.

Performance and Presentation Policy

All rights regarding special events and theatrical performances are reserved in full by MISTI-Con, Inc. All rights, content, and materials used during presentations are reserved by the presenters. Presenters and artists have been instructed to inform the audience of any special restrictions before the session begins. Please note -- audio recording, video recording, or photography of presenters or materials during a presentation may only be done with the presenter's permission.

Content of all performances, presentations, and events is subject to approval by MISTI-Con staff. Any content that is in violation of MISTI-Con policy will not be approved. If a presentation/performance includes such content then MISTI-Con maintains the right to take any necessary action. Any event or presentation with mature or adult content must be cleared by MISTI-Con and clearly labeled as such.

Prop and Decoration Policy

Please do not touch, move, change, add to, or remove any props or decorations. Under no circumstances should props or decorations be moved from their current location unless moved by MISTI-Con staff. Photography of props or decorations in public areas of the hotel is allowed at all times. Photography of props and decorations located inside of conference rooms is only allowed when the room is open and there are no presentations taking place.

Dress Code and Costume Weapon Policy

MISTI-Con wants to remind all attendees that this is a public hotel and that children will be attending the convention. We require that all attendees be dressed in PG-13 appropriate attire. MISTI-Con reserves the right to deem a costume as unacceptable and to request the wearer make modifications as necessary, change out of the costume entirely into more appropriate clothing, or require you to leave the convention.

If you are concerned about whether your costume meets the convention standards, please email info@misti-con.com.

Real firearms of any kind are strictly prohibited, even if unloaded. Toy, prop, or replica firearms must be clearly identifiable by non-standard bright colors or colored caps on their tips. Please keep any such firearms holstered except when posing for photographs. Real swords, daggers, knives, etc. must be peace-bonded in all public areas except for official photographic or staging areas and only for the purpose of being photographed or for use in the performance. If a staff member or volunteer sees a non-peace-bound weapon, the guest will be asked to immediately put it away or bond it. If a guest violates this rule after a second notice, they will lose the privilege of carrying weapon pieces for the duration of the con. Bows are permitted, but arrows must remain in quivers or otherwise sheathed.

As this is a wizarding convention, wands are permitted, of course. But we ask that you be careful and abstain from any foolish wand-waving or silly incantations. Do not run with wands out and try to keep them at your side except during photographs. MISTI-Con staff reserves the right to ask attendees to bind or remove any weapon or prop to ensure the safety of our guests. Failure to follow instructions from MISTI-Con senior staff regarding weapons may result in expulsion from the convention, without a refund.

General Disclaimer

The Attendee also hereby: (a) releases MISTI-Con from any liability for loss or damage to persons or property, infringement of any right or any other claim or course of action of any kind; and (b) agrees to comply with all rules and regulations of the event. MISTI-Con reserves the right to deny entry or remove from the event facilities, any person who, in our sole and absolute discretion, is behaving, or threatening to behave, in a manner which MISTI-Con reasonably considers to be disruptive of the event.

Financial Disclosure Policy

MISTI-Con, Inc will release a summary of the financial records of the organization, upon request within 2 weeks of the receipt of the request. Financial disclosures and minutes of the organizational board meetings will be prepared annually and posted publicly if requested. Summaries of the financial records of past events are posted here.